Each month members get a Club Newsletter "The Instruction Sheet". This newsletter recaps the events from the last meeting and has photos of the kits our member brought to the last meeting. The times and dates of local model shows/contests and other events are updated in the newsletter.
The club runs a model kit contest called GraniteCon. This show is one of the ways our club helps to promote and keep alive the hobby we all enjoy so much. It is an event to see the model building work of many fine local model builders in one place (including many of our members). It is a great event to help introduce the plastic model building hobby to the younger set and it helps inspire those who used to build model kits to get back into the hobby.
Our club is a chartered chapter of the International Plastic Modelers Society (IPMS). Membership in IPMS is not required to be a member of our club (but it is encouraged).